I'm sure most of us know that the Fairy Tail part 4 dub dvd was delayed 2 March 20 however, here's a link 2 watch them since their out waay early! Here I gotta say part 4 was my favorite part n it was't that bad.
I'm looking for a certain background music. Episode 98 :"Who is the lucky one?", the scene where they exit the boat(and get stuck at the runes), i know i've heard it before, as its quite popular music, but i just can't remember it. It is sort of a "folk" sounding song...Hmm...
I have been wanting to open up this conversation - and ask this question for a while now. I'm an avid Fairy Tail anime watcher (as well as a manga reader) and I watch every episode weekly after it's released by the subbers. I'm enjoying the anime immensely and I'm really excited to see a lot of my favourite manga scenes
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